What licenses and permits does my hospitality business require in the UK?

    15 November 2023 at 9:00 -

    In the UK, hospitality businesses typically require various licenses and permits to operate legally. The specific requirements can vary depending on the type of establishment and services offered. Here are some key licenses and permits, including details on class consents:

    1. **Premises License:** Required for businesses that sell or supply alcohol, provide late-night refreshments, or offer regulated entertainment. You can obtain this license from your local council. The license will specify operating hours, licensable activities, and other conditions.

    2. **Personal License:** If you're involved in the sale or supply of alcohol, you need a personal license. This is obtained through application to the local council and involves completing a training course on the responsible sale of alcohol.

    3. **Food Hygiene Certificate:** If your business involves handling and serving food, you must ensure compliance with food hygiene regulations. Staff members should undergo relevant training, and the premises will be subject to inspections.

    4. **Public Entertainment License:** Required if your business provides entertainment such as live music, plays, or dancing. Application for this license is made to the local council.

    5. **Street Trading License:** If you plan to operate a mobile food or drink business on the streets, you may need a street trading license. Local authorities handle these licenses.

    6. **Health and Safety Compliance:** Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, covering aspects like fire safety, signage, and emergency procedures. This often involves inspections by local authorities.

    7. **Planning Permission:** Check if you need planning permission for your premises. Certain changes to the use of a building may require approval from the local planning authority.

    8. **Noise and Environmental Permits:** If your business involves outdoor events or creates noise, you may need permits to comply with environmental regulations. These are typically obtained from the local council.

    Class consents refer to certain permissions granted automatically within specific "use classes" defined in planning regulations. For example, a change of use within the same class may not require planning permission. However, it's essential to check with the local planning authority to determine if your intended use falls under a class consent or if planning permission is needed.

    It's crucial to engage with your local council early in the planning stages to understand the specific requirements for your hospitality business and to ensure a smooth application process for the necessary licenses and permits.

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